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Características de lujo:Lanzamiento del producto de los kits de tinte C4000 Cristal Color

Luxe Features: C4000 Cristal Color Tint Kits Product Release - Luxe Auto Concepts
Kanya Michelle|
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¡A petición del cliente, Luxe ha obtenido el mejor vinilo de color translúcido del mercado!Hexis C4000 Cristal El vinilo tiene los mejores colores y el mejor acabado de todas las opciones de tinte de calendario, ¡y ahora lo tenemos disponible para usted en una variedad de tamaños!

Introducing Cristal Color Tint Kits!

Want to tint your ATV or
off-road vehicle's
lights in color?

Want to tint your wicker bill?

The light will be
the color of the tint!

We've sourced the best translucent color vinyl on the market!

Our wet application vinyl kits can instantly change the look of your vehicle! It is great for flat surfaces and moderately complex shapes. With some patience and a little bit of time you can even use this tint on many headlights!

We think you'll love these kits so much you might even find other uses for this tint! Cristal Color Tint Kits make it easy to easily add pops of color to your life. Get two kits to mix and match colors, or have a kit on hand so you can try out a new color later!

Want a custom Cristal Tint decal?

Contact our custom department!
Luxe Custom Team

Coming Soon:

How To: Cristal Film Installation & Removal
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